Welcome to the Ravalli County Curriculum Consortium

Photo credit: KPAX/KAJ Media Center
Consortium Members include the following school districts:
- Lone Rock School District
- Stevensville School District
- Victor School District
- Hamilton School District
- Darby School District
Mission Statement:
The Ravalli County Curriculum Consortium (RCCC) empowers teachers to collaboratively design a comprehensive, common curriculum, aligned to the Montana standards, in order to provide students with a rigorous, twenty-first century education.
- The RCCC Directors will represent the RCCC by attending local, regional, and state level professional development and curriculum meetings as needed.
- The RCCC Directors will meet on a monthly basis.
- All member districts will have representative teachers at curriculum development.
- All member districts will follow the RCCC recommended five-year implementation schedule (See Appendix A).
- The RCCC will schedule a time, location, and forum for teachers to collaborate in the development of curriculum.
- The RCCC will follow the accreditation standards which have established 5-year rotation of curriculum revision.
- The RCCC will provide teachers with the framework, tools, and resources to design a curriculum, aligned with the state, that establishes a common, comprehensive set of standards and assessments for our school districts.
- One week of summer training will be devoted to developing each curricular area.
- The RCCC will coordinate professional development.
- The RCCC will address assessment through both formative and summative measurement practices for teachers and students.
- The RCCC will provide a usable document for teachers in our school districts.
- The RCCC will provide support for individual school board adoption.
Montana Common Core Resources
April Pre-Planning Meeting
Links to Specific Curriculum Content Documents
Career and Technical Education
Workplace Competencies
Fine Arts
Library Media
Health Enhancement/Physical Education
English Language Arts
Social Studies
World Languages
Administrative Rules of Montana Curriculum Revision 5 Year Cycle
Ravalli County Curriculum Cycle In revision
April Power Point
RCCC Powerpoint 2012.pptx
Evaluation of Curriculum Cycle
National Curriculum Standards Discussion can be found at the following URL
Blooms Taxonomy Information
New Version of Bloom's Taxonomy
Glossary of Terms for Curriculum documents
Standards and Rubric Writing Power Points
RCC Introduction-2012.ppt
Ravalli - Day1_Intro2012.ppt
Ravalli -Day2_New Tax.ppt
Principal's Role in Curriculum 8-10.pptx
This list might be helpful in writing your 3.0 measurement topics and tasks
Critical Thinking Skill List.doc
Dr. Robert Marzano Video Clips
Interesting Reading:
"A Case Against ZERO"
Counseling and Library RCCC Survey 2010.xlsx
Survey Summary Fine Arts 2010.xlsx
Teacher Resources:
Teacher Planet
Poll Everywhere
Rick Wormeli Standards Based Grading
The consortium is coordinated by Dan Johnston the Principal at Victor School. He can be contacted at: johnston@victor.k12.mt.us
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